Will CBD Oil for Sleep Make you Sleep Better at Night?
Are you among the hopeful sheep counters who night after night pray the next woolly bundle will be the last? Not to worry, we know your pain, and we’re about to introduce you to a possible rescuer; have you ever thought of trying CBD for sleep? First things first. As it turns out, we’re not the only ones who can relate to your pain. In fact, a recent survey showed that no less than one in three U.S. adults suffers from weekly difficulties sleeping. Sleep is one of the most prevalent complaints in the primary care setting, and insomnia-related conditions are indeed taking its toll on today’s busy minds. Aside from a whole 30% of the U.S. population struggling with drifting off to sleep, an estimated 50–70 million people complain of nighttime sleep loss associated with daytime impairment.
The Downside to Sleep Medication
Are you a little too tired and impatient to consider all options? When you seek help for your sleep woes you may end up in a pharmacy or the doctors office. However, at the counter, you often get more than your money’s worth when you buy conventional sleep-promoting agents.
In their survey, the U.S. National Health and Wellness Survey (NHWS), looked into the residual effects of sleep medication. The respondents were either current or former users of prescription medications. After estimating the burden and consequences, the NHWS came to the conclusion that these were the most common effects of medication for sleep:
- Increased Sleepiness
- Feelings of Being Drowsy, Groggy or Sluggish the Next Day
- Difficulties Concentrating/ Remembering
- Fatigue/ Sleeping Too Much
- Reduced Psychomotor Performance
- Memory Consolidation
- Worsened Affect Regulation/ Emotion Regulation
- Significant Workplace Deficits
A Natural Alternative
Now, we all need a good night’s rest, so there’s nothing wrong with reaching for help when you’re having trouble. It’s a well-known sleep myth that insomnia is the number one reason people can’t fall asleep.
The National Sleep Foundation suggests that having trouble sleeping can be triggered by a range of medical, biological or psychological factors. In fact, those who suffer from sleep issues often say that it isn’t sleep alone that is the problem; rather the symptom of a larger, more pressing issue.
So, what’s really keeping you up at night? Could it be stress and anxiety that’s keeping you lying awake? Or is it chronic pain that’s troubling you? Maybe it’s all of the above? Either way, the important thing is to address the instigator of your sleep problems. That way, treating it becomes a whole lot easier.
Here at Institute of Natural Medicine, we believe that everyone deserves a good night’s sleep, without the horrible side-effects of prescription medication. So we stayed up way past our bedtime and made it our project to find out how we can help you maintain a decent sleep, the natural way.
CBD Oil for Sleep and Anxiety
One of the main reasons behind not getting enough sleep is said to be the inability to turn your mind off at night. Often, thoughts from the day start catching up with you as soon as you get under the covers, and so any chance of peace you may have sought in sleep is long gone. More often than not, this happens due to an overactive mind, stressful environments and/or feelings of anxiety.
CBD for sleep has shown to hold significant benefits with findings suggesting that CBD has powerful anxiolytic effects in both animals and humans. In a human study, researchers investigated the possible anxiolytic action of CBD in healthy volunteers, using the simulated public speaking (SPS) model.
In the study, CBD and a placebo drug were administered to two test groups with Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD). The researchers found that the levels of anxiety in the group who were given the placebo were far higher than those who received CBD. On top of this, CBD oil is also said to help your sleep patterns reset and so break that vicious cycle you find yourself in when anxiety seems to be the cause of your sleeping problems.
So, if there’s a chance that stress and anxiety are the reasons for your wakeful nights, CBD may be the thing you need to drift swiftly into dreams.
CBD Oil for Sleep and Chronic pain
Studies suggest that there’s a reciprocal relationship between sleep and pain. While at least 50% of those suffering from insomnia suffer from chronic pain, sleep complaints turn out to be present in 67-88% of chronic pain disorders. Many who suffer from insomnia say that they simply can’t find enough relief from pain to manage to get to sleep or remain asleep throughout the night.
As of now, studies suggest that CBD interacts with the CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors, which work to create homeostasis in the body. When CBD interacts with these receptors, it is thought to promote an analgesic effect. Quite often the symptoms of pain can be the catalyst to poor quality sleep and even insomnia.
Have you ever wondered if there’s something out there that can help you relieve your pain, then CBD might be the thing to help you make that change. There are scores of customers that deal with pain symptoms every day, who report that CBD is a viable alternative pain management method to help the pain get off to sleep with you.
CBD For PTSD Allows For Better Sleep
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) follows a traumatic experience. Long believed to only affect war veterans and those in high-stress occupations, it has become clear that this disorder is far more prevalent than first assumed. In fact, people from any background can fall victim to PTSD following any kind of trauma.
PTSD differs from other generalized anxiety disorders, particularly in how it manifests itself. Among other things, these differences can lead to problems with sleeping, as traumatic experiences are often re-lived around bedtime. PTSD sufferers usually re-experience the trauma in their dreams, which drastically disturbs their REM sleep along with their overall sleep patterns.
CBD For PTSD – Does It Work?
Are you suffering from PTSD? And are you struggling to keep your traumas at an arm’s length in the late hours, when you just want to go to sleep? Then CBD for sleep might be for you.
How Do I Get Started?
Whatever the reason is that you lie awake when the rest of the household has gone off to the land of nod, you need to address the instigator before anything else. Once you’ve found a way to put a face on your intruder, you can start looking into ways of solving the problem.
Taking on the next day’s challenges is no task for the sleepless. Whether it’s with or without help that we drift off to dreamland, it’s crucial that we get the rest we need. As long as you remember to address the underlying problem head-on, there’s no reason why you should consider it a privilege to receive a little extra help.
How to take CBD for Sleep
When taking CBD oil for insomnia or as a sleep aid, it is important that you find the right product, as using specific methods to administer CBD content may have different effects. For pain relief, it’s suggested that you take CBD sublingually, whereas for PTSD, for example, using a vaporizer serves as a number one for giving you the instant effect you are looking for. And just like that, the list of different effects goes on and on.
Therefore, make sure you read up on the wide range of CBD products and their different delivery methods before going through with a purchase. After all, it’s your body we’re talking about, and we want you to be at your very best, even when you’re sound asleep.
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